The 2nd LMJ-PETAL User meeting was held as an in-person meeting from June 8 to June 9, 2023 in Bordeaux, Nouvelle Aquitaine, France at the Hilton Garden Inn Bordeaux Centre , 10 minutes walk from the train station.
Program LMJ-PETAL User Meeting – Thursday 8 june 2023
Schedule Duration Title …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….Speaker …………Institution
9:00 AM 0:30 Welcome at the Hotel Hilton Garden Inn 9:30 AM 0:15 Opening addresses JL. Miquel E. Lefebvre ALP CEA/DAM/DAN Session 1 : LMJ-PETAL performances 9:45 AM 0:25 1.1 LMJ Facility: Status and Performance V. Denis CEA/DAM, France 10:10 AM 0:25 1.2 PETAL laser performance N. Blanchot CEA/DAM, France 10:35 AM 0:25 1.3 The PETAL UPgrade project E. Hugonnot CEA/DAM, France 11:00 AM 0:25 1.4 Recent platforms with LMJ S. Brygoo CEA/DAM, France 11:25 AM 0:25 1.5 ICF experiments on the LMJ facility S. Laffite CEA/DAM, France 11:50 AM 0:25 1.6 Enhanced ion acceleration using the high-energy petawatt PETAL laser D. Raffestin CELIA, France 12:15 PM 1:45 Lunch / Posters session Session 2: Past user experiments 2:00 PM 0:25 1.7 Experimental mitigation of fast magnetic reconnection in multiple interacting laser-produced plasmas R. Smets Sorbonne Université, France 2:25 PM 0:25 1.8 Hydrodynamics of laser-produced high-energy-density plasma under magnetic field to open a new frontier in HEDP physics Ph. Nicolai CELIA, France 2:50 PM 0:25 1.9 Laser plasma acceleration of high charge >200 MeV electrons at LMJ-PETAL W. Cayzac, X. Davoine CEA/DAM, France 3:15 PM 0:25 1.10 Assessment of neutron production using the high-energy PETAL laser R. Lelièvre LULI, France 3:40 PM 0:25 1.11 Analysis of the recent LLNL-LMJ COMPAS campaign on foam-filled hohlraums and future directions J. Milovich LLNL, USA 4:05 PM 0:20 Break Session 3: Next user experiments 4:25 PM 0:25 1.12 Driving extreme magnetizations in compressed HED plasmas J. Santos CELIA, France 4:50 PM 0:25 1.13 Determination of stimulated Raman scattering mechanisms in large, directly-driven, plasmas on the LMJ J. Myatt Alberta University, Canada 5:15 PM 0:25 1.14 Fe and FeO at Super-Earth interior conditions for planetary models M. Harmand Sorbonne Université, France 5:40 PM 0:25 1.15 Experimental and numerical study of heavy targets on LMJ E. Lescoute CEA/DAM, France 6:05 PM 0:40 Round table on targets 6:45 PM 0:30 Aperitif 7:15 PM 2:00 Dinner
Program LMJ-PETAL User Meeting – Friday 9 june 2023
Schedule Duration Title ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Speaker ……….Institution
8:00 AM 0:15 Welcome Hotel Hilton Garden Inn 8:15 AM 0:45 Transportation to LMJ-PETAL 9:00 AM 2:30 LMJ-PETAL tour 11:30 AM 0:45 Transportation to Hilton Hotel 12:15 PM 1:30 Lunch Session 4 : Diagnostics and Targets 1:45 PM 0:25 2.1 Status of implementing diagnostics at the LMJ-PETAL facility G. Boutoux CEA/DAM, France 2:10 PM 0:25 2.2 Nuclear Diagnostics at NIF: Reaction History and Neutron Imaging K. Meaney LANL, USA 2:35 PM 0:25 2.3 Review of General Atomics Target Fabrication: Facilities, Capabilities, and Notable Recent Developments M. Manuel General Atomics, USA 3:00 PM 0:20 Break Session 5 : Perspectives 3:20 PM 0:25 2.4 Theory and observation of hydrodynamic shocks in a plasma flowing across randomized ICF scale laser beams S. Huller CPhT, CNRS, France 3:45 PM 0:25 2.5 Developing X-Ray Phase-Contrast Imaging for High-Energy Density Hydrodynamics Applications D. Batani CELIA, France 4:10 PM 0:25 2.6 Hiper+ Roadmap S. Le Pape LULI, France 4:35 PM 0:25 2.7 The roadmap of Focused Energy to inertial fusion energy X. Vaisseau Focused Energy, Germany and USA Session 6 : Conclusions 5:00 PM 0:15 Conclusions : Organization, next call for proposals, next User-meeting Organizing committee 5:15 PM Adjournment
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