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HILAS 2022 — High-Intensity Lasers and High-Field Phenomena
23 March 2022 - 25 March 2022
The High-intensity Lasers and High-field Phenomena (HILAS) meeting aims to assemble a multidisciplinary community to present and exchange novel ideas and breakthrough achievements relating to the physics and technology of high field sources, and high-intensity laser-matter interaction. The conference covers both theoretical and experimental aspects of strong-field phenomena. The latest research results in terawatt/petawatt lasers, amplification of few-cycle pulses, laser fusion technologies, EUV and X-ray sources based on lasers, high-intensity sources from the THz up to the X-ray spectral range, plasmas in ultrahigh fields, advances in attosecond science and relativistic nonlinear phenomena are among the topics to be discussed.
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